Friday, February 22, 2008

Last Day Volunteering

Today was our last day at the PPA, and tonight we will have our final dinner together as a volunteer team. I am sad to see the time end, yet I have to admit, I am pretty much exhausted.
It has been a tremendous experience getting to know the children here, yet like all children, they require a lot of work and energy. I have become to realize that although the children here are extremely well taken care of by the the kind people of the PPA, all of the children are in desperate need of individual care and attention. Like all children, they long for someone to pick them up when they are crying, give them a hug, and sing to them. They all need someone to notice them when they play, laugh, cry, and exclaim with pride when they take their first steps. Although the incredible people at the PPA do a better job than anyone could ever expect at fulfilling all of these needs, there are just too many children for them to be able to do it perfectly. I feel honored to have been able to gain a glimpse at how they attempt to do it at all.

I am especially thankful for our spirited and energetic team leader, Mili, who we were fortunate to have with us during our entire stay here in Peru. Mili was beyond great- she made sure that we gained a real sense of what Peru is all about. She took us to a different restaurant every night for dinner- working long hours just to do so. She made the time here very special.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I cannot read these without crying! No wonder you are so exhausted! What a great experience for you, but I bet you'll never know how you've helped the kids and staff there. They sure are lucky to have generous souls like you and your group that give so freely. Truly inspiring!
Can't wait to have you back in the US again though. Hope you're feeling better after your "bout..." xoxo, d. - are you going to check me out now?

Anonymous said...

Hey Sunshine!

Finally located your blog and have enjoyed reading it! I've started to share stories and pictures about Lima on my blog. Visit

Love and miss ya,