Saturday, February 9, 2008

Cell Phone Withdrawal

Hi, my name is Lainie and I´m a cellphoneaholic.

I am going through serious cell phone withdrawal currently, which includes 1. looking around for my cell phone when I hear musical tones, 2. hearing musical tones that do not actually exist, and 3. having extreme bouts of jealousy toward all those actually talking on cell phones.

I´m told that the symptoms should last only a week, at which time I will be required to attend regular cellphoneaholic meetings to share my story of how I made it through this ordeal.


Anonymous said...

well im glad you have come to terms with your phone addiction. now you can become addicted to your email/internet and become one of our crowd......we're the woltinkinsteins, we hold online meetings everday.
join amanda, jay, micah, cami and albert for email detox anytime!! haahaa love u

Anonymous said...

Sounds exciting so far. I'll do some extra cell phone usage in your honor - live vicariously through me!! Grandma is doing better and I was really glad to be able to come home today - long enough to pack up len and send him off at 6 tomorrow morning.
Love you laine-pie

Anonymous said...

Sounds great Lainie. It would be interesting to find out what the people think of our current election process since you commented how importantly they view voting. Is there any coverage in the press about it, about Hilary or Obama? Good luck with your volunteering. Anxious to hear about your typical day at the "office".
Uncle Neal